These were two gay euro guys waiting for the watertaxi. Outfits were matching and they both had two different phases of rod stewart hair. Was laughing out loud watching them.
I didn't know Ronald's religious affiliations. I thought he was Christian but apparently I was wrong – he is Buddhist.
Asian Stair Climber
Vanessa trying to climb down these really steep stairs from the top of this pyramid type temple. Very funny wish there was a movie of it.
Hanging Out
Me hanging out. Thinking about life, love, what I'm going to eat, and why the hell it is so hot. By the time I was done completely soaked.
Tomb Raider
Vanessa Chu - tomb raider. Temple Angkor Wat in Cambodia. That's her in the green skirt.
Fat Monkey Thief
Went to this temple and there were all these monkeys around it. Two skinny ones stole this old woman's mangoes while a few feet away this fat one just sat there eating something. Eating off his belly and everything.
A Whole Coconut
Ate at this food court. You an get a bunch of different food and of you're thirsty a whole freakin' coconut.
Floating Fish Village
Vanassa walking along ocean fish tanks in floating fishing village. Crazy they live out there like that.
The Talented Mr. Ripley
On top of the boat hanging out while cruiseing through the 1000 limestone islands. This is my talented Mr. Ripley shot (as Vanessa would say).
I'm On a Boat!
Took two day boat trip in halog bay vietnam. Supposedly it's going to be one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
Flip Flop Security
Security in small town hoi an Vietnam. A guy on the corner in flip flops with a stick. Very effective. After his shift he just put his stick in the basket on his bicycle and peddled away. Job complete, a hard days work.
'Nam Night Market
People setting up for night market in viet f'n nam. They sell a bunch of crap but good food and produce.
Mountains in Dalat
So now that Vanessa is here she is making me take a little more pictures. Not really my thing but hey. Mountains in Dalat. Pine tree covered.

Vanessa in tha hizzouse!
Vanessa and I at a waterfall in Vietnam. Very beautiful. Nice having her here.
All Templed Out
Yeah sorry it's been awhile this is golden shrine. Probably the most beautiful and I think maybe the end of temple stuff. I'm all templed out. Anyway love you all.

My friends and I in busan. I used to work with the woman in the middle at Morimoto. Busan is her home city. Went there for the weekend. Behind is the most famous beach in Korea. Nice, but not sayin' much. I think there are only 10 beaches so you don't have much of a pick. Anyway love you all, sorry for slacking.
Aaron's Dream Toilet

Sweep La Leg!
So I toured this Korean palace today. It was pretty but about 45 min longer than it needed to be. We had a little break it the palace garden and I look over an some nerdy French kid who was there with his parents found the setting appropriate to practice his karate dance for his green belt. Went on for like 10 min. Hilarious. This guy was like 17 not so young.
Epic Battle
In the caves. Don't know if you can see but there was this huge battle between the leader male monkey somewhere in the rocks and an Indian man armed with a squigie. Epic.
To the Bat Cave!
Bat caves entrance in Malaysia. Long stair way I felt like such an old man when I had to stop halfway and I see little kids passing me. Oh well made it.
Bat Wrestling
Went to waterfall today in park this guy was wrestling this giant bat I don't know what for. I think the bat did something. Anyway these two were trying to hog tie the thing. It took him like 20 min.

Kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia!
In kuala lumpur Malaysia. Kind of a boring city. Predomemetly Islamic. Not nearly as fun as Thailand. Anyway these are petronas twin towers once the tallest nuildimgs I'm the world. Went up them. Not much going on today been poring non stop. Going to Korea in a few days. I think it will me better. Love you. Tell qiana hi. I was watching videos of her the other day.
Ok just wanted to say I'm alive. It's so hot. Anyway I will do more
later love you all.
Mitchell Lee Bates